De l’Expérience
May 16, 2015
I got to work on Tod Machover’s De l’Expérience in a number of capacities, including: sound design, recording the premier performance at the Orchestre Symphonique de Montréal orchestra hall, and mixing the resulting multi-tracks. We also used a custom surround sound panning and imaging system I developed for blending the live electronics with the organ in the venue.
The piece is a 23 minutes composition for organ, electronics, and spoken voice. The text is taken from the writings of Michel du Montaigne, the french author who invented the essay.
It’s pretty unusual for anyone to listen to 23 minutes of music on the web, but if you have the time and a decent sound sound system (no laptop or iPhone speakers please), the piece is pretty magnificent, and well worth listening to in its entirety.